100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Blend
A blend of Cedarwood oil (Cedrus deodara), grapefruit oil (Citrus paradisi), Spanish sage oil (Salvia lavandulifolia), Cypress Oil (Cupressus sempervirens) ZZ Cedar Citrus Blend is a proprietary blend of oils perfectly combining characteristic aromas of forest oils such as cedar, sage, and cypress and juxtaposing with bright and lively citrus. A wonderful combination. CEDARWOOD Himalayan Cedarwood is native to the foothills of the Himalayas. Cedarwood oil was used by the Egyptians to embalm the deceased, added into perfumes and cosmetics alike. It has a purifying and calming aspect to it which is why the Tibetans use it in incense and temples. Cedarwood essential oil assists with skin infections, tightens pores, fights acne, removes blemishes, helps with oily skin, dandruff, hair loss, bronchitis, coughs, catarrh, insect repellent fungus, cellulite, arthritis, acts as an immune stimulant and purifies the air. It also reduces anxiety and promotes meditative states. Cedarwood essential oil is antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, expectorant fungicidal, sedative, insecticide, and a tonic. SAGE Sage is an exquisite oil. Its unique scent is alluring, capable of being applied as a cologne or perfume, as the aroma is androgynous. It is currently being researched for its promising effects on memory retention and combating dementia. It is also considered to act as an antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, astringent anti inflammatory, and antispasmodic agent. CYPRESS Cypress was highly esteemed by early civilizations. The Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians dedicated the tree to the gods of the underworld. Even today the Egyptians use cypress for coffins, while the French and Americans plant the tree in graveyards. Smoke from the burning gum of cypress was inhaled in southern Europe to relieve congestion while the Chinese masticated the small cones to reduce gum inflammation. It is commonly found in men’s after-shaves and colognes. Cypress essential oil helps with varicose veins, poor circulation, hemorrhoids, asthma, spasmodic coughs, bronchitis, bruises, puffy eyes, cellulite, broken capillaries, nose bleeds, sinusitis, excessive perspiration, hot flashes, menopause, painful menstruation, insect repellant, poor circulation, sore throat, arthritis, and muscle cramps. It is an antiseptic and deodorant. Cypress is good for use on oily skin and to reduce excessive perspiration. It is also considered an astringent which helps to tighten pores, keeping the skin young and attractive. Cypress essential oil is known to be antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, insecticide, restorative, sedative, tonic, vase-constrictive, anti-infectious, and a decongestant. GRAPEFRUIT Grapefruit is a hybrid between the sweet orange and an Indonesian pomelo. The essential oil is produced by cold pressing the rind to produce an oil that is an aromatic replica of the actual fruit Grapefruit essential oil is considered a powerful antioxidant, helping to scavenge free radicals. The astringent properties assist in reducing obesity, cellulite, and tightening pores on the face. The inherent disinfectant properties make grapefruit oil suitable for oily and acne prone skin. It also acts as lymphatic tonic, cleansing and boosting its function, thus improving the immune system. It is considered a stimulant that increases mental agility and memory.
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